We’ve entered the final phase of this endeavour. We’re closing the curtains again, but there is still action behind the scenes, tension in the air: the next time the curtain is draw, it will be for the final act.
This is the feeling that describes the period that followed our last outing at the Gianetti hut. Winter arrived and it made it harder to continue our collective training in the mountains. When spring arrives to melt the snow and make the mountains accessible again, we’ll face a turning point: we’ll gather the fruit of all we’ve worked for, even in these last months. Both on the path and in Change.
The next challenges in the mountains will be the 4000s, so legs, strength, breath, and everything else will have to be in perfect shape – we’ll have to give our all.
It will also be the time for the next M4810 challenges, above all those of this Change Management boot camp. A project that costs time, energy, commitment, and whose benefits and consequences we’ll have to evaluate scientifically.
The process, in this case above all, has an intrinsic value, independent from the final goal. The goal (or the peak, in our case) is, at least in part, a consequence of the correct acquisition of a method.
We don’t improve our capacity to change – our changeability – by getting to the top of the Mont Blanc. Rather, getting to the top will be proof of how much can be done when you have the right method, a structured approach to Change Management, a continuous, honest analysis of the improvements made.
We’ll reach the peak, we’ll have improved our changeability, because we’ll have put in practice an ambitious, structured change process that has involved dozens of people.
People that, in many cases, initially weren’t ready to do it.
People that faced a mental challenge even before facing a physical one, that applied methods and tested practices, ones that had never been used before in this environment, in the context of the mountains.
People that became stronger, surer of themselves, more active, healthier.
People that, as Change Management consultants, became true vessels of change, whose efforts can influence those around them.
A successful experiment that demonstrates that if you change your own mindset and habits, train adequately, and trusts the right GUIDE (not just as an entity, but also as a model, a process), you can do anything.