Why do some company projects go perfectly according to plan, while others encounter unexpected difficulties?
Why do certain change actions have an immediate impact, while others have difficulty in gaining traction, in triggering real transformations that are internalised in all levels of society?
Why do some people reach their goals, while others are discouraged by complexity and give up?
These are the questions that a change management consulting company asks itself every day. These are the questions that M4810 is based on as a tool for training the mindset.
There is only one compass that guides us, a simple but fundamental concept: the best way to create the conditions for success is to look after the environment.
A fertile ground is the conditio sine qua non for any fruit to come to life, to blossom and grow, and it’s just as true for people – for families, organisations, companies, or projects.
M4810, even before having gained its value as a mindset boot camp through each activity that allows the consultants to measure themselves (training, getting out of the comfort zone, challenges, etc.), finds its intrinsic motivation in being an experiment in change management.
It’s the result, or the motivation, of a company culture that welcomes challenges, leaves room for experimentation, and supports proactivity. And that experiments new techniques and innovative theories on itself first. This is the Methodos way.
Organisations have to first look after their company culture in an ampler way than usual: not just fostering a sense of belonging or commitment, but also empowering talent, innovation, experimentation. This is what makes way for change.
With M4810 we are all nurturing ourselves with powerful energy.
It’s the energy that comes from the strength of the group and the stimulus of doing something unique with our colleagues, from the personal challenge and the resources to welcome it, from the possibility to find our pace, but to take part in a single, big, smoothly running machine. This energy will diffuse into our daily lives.
But how do we feed it? Through a virtuous circle of do ut des: empowering people so that they can value their work, giving them something that they feel will better them and help them grow, allowing the necessary freedom for them to be proactive, and offering more than we receive. Only this will help us put the circle in motion.
M4810 is an ambitious challenge – it requires a lot and it gives a lot.
Each participant can freely choose what they’re willing to take and to give, but the balance is found in offering elements that stimulate the environment, even in a very practical way.
The CAI (Italian Alpine Club) membership allows us to experience the mountains freely, even autonomously, but always safely.
The medical visits and the various health analyses give each participant the basic data to begin their training.
And the Garmin gadgets help them monitor it.
The diary, on the other hand, is for gathering not just objective data, but also subjective data.
And the intense, sincere feedback sessions at the end of each outing ensure that the change comes from the bottom, and isn’t imposed from the top.
All of these are materialised forms of constant stimuli to change – the ultimate organisational objective.
If it’s true that leaders are the figures of a company that are responsible for creating an environment where people are able to give the best of themselves, to support them, we must be the first to act. As much in our offices as at high altitudes.