If M4810 is a bootcamp for the mindset of the Methodos consultants, then everyone that has to do with the organisation will benefit from its augmented capacity for Change Management.
This is the value of M4810 for Methodos, its consultants, but also its clients and stakeholders. Once a change path that is valid both in the company and in the mountains has been designed, the results for those who implement it will be exponential.
Every theoretical element of the change management doctrine has been translated into a pillar of the methodology that accompanies the entire M4810 project. Training, work on the concept of readiness, gathering and use of data, and studies on decisional processes are all elements that are valid both in the mountains and in change projects.
The work, oriented towards communication, change, and the analysis of what has been achieved and what is to be achieved, is an integral part of this. It’s essential in concretising the lessons learned.
It’s a job that doesn’t begin or end today, nor will it end with reaching the peak of the Mont Blanc, because if there is one thing that the mountains are teaching us, it’s that the way up isn’t made in leaps and bounds, but in small steps.
An impulsive approach won’t pay in the long term, it won’t bring us to the top of the Mont Blanc and it won’t make us better change agents. Training for three days straight prior to a hike having done nothing for a month will only lead to tired legs and painful muscles.
What works is consistency, continuous improvement, gradual incrementation of effort, and thoughtful movement of the famous limits that we’ve so often discussed on these virtual pages.
Innovation can come discontinuously and can be disruptive, sure. But change can’t.
Change is a matter of habits, thoughts, and activities that build on top of each other, in layers, much like rock that slowly but inexorably come to form mountains.